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Developmental Writing: Overview

A guide to help hone your writing skills.

Worldcat Discovery

Quick Links

How to get help

On the WorldCat Discovery Page, there is a gray bar with a "Chat with a librarian" link. Clicking that link brings up a pop-up window with a chat you can use to ask for assistance.

Chat with a librarian button

The library's Help page also has other options for contacting the library for assistance.


Welcome to the Writing LibGuide at John F. Moss Library

Photograph of someone writing a paper.


This subject guide is meant to help you find writing resources for your essays, research papers, and other writing assignments.  This homepage along with the research help pages and pages for books, articles, and websites (tabs in the above menu) are geared towards providing general writing resources that any student of writing classes can utilize.  

Remote Access Instructions


After selecting a resource a  you will be asked for your Username and Password (this will authenticate you for a search session).  Use your EagleID.

  1. EagleID is the first 4 characters of your last name plus the last 4 digits of your Campus Wide I.D. (CWID) number. If your last name is 3 characters long or less, just use those letters. If your name has a special character, such as an apostrophe or space, omit the special character and just use the letters. See the examples below: 

    Jones, John / 123456789 à jone6789
    Lee, Kelly / 123456789 à Lee6789

    O'Brian, Carol / 123456789 à OBri6789

    Initial Password The initial Password is Tamut followed by the last four digits of your CWID number (example Tamut6789).

  2. Lastly, the authentication process uses "cookies" to remember that you are logged in for that session only. Once you close the browser, your session will terminate. It will be necessary to log in for each session.
  3. Self-Reset Password instructions.  Recommended to do this sooner rather than later.  Then you can self reset your password when you forget off campus and or during the weekend.

Having trouble with EagleID Login or Password Self-Service did not work, call IT Service desk 903-334-6603.  To report problems or need help with a database contact the library.

Reference Librarian

How to get help

On the WorldCat Discovery Page, there is a gray bar with a "Chat with a librarian" link. Clicking that link brings up a pop-up window with a chat you can use to ask for assistance.

Chat with a librarian button

The library's Help page also has other options for contacting the library for assistance.