ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. The database contains more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 323,000 full-text documents dating back to 1966.
Education Research Complete is a robust database for education students, professionals, and policymakers. It includes rigorous curation and indexing of open access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 923 active global OA journals. Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise/accurate full-text linking. Education Research Complete includes 273 active, full-text, non-open access journals not available in any version of Academic Search. In addition to full-text journals, Education Research Complete includes more than 4,100 full-text education-related conference papers.
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