Please contact us by telephone at 903-223-3100, email at, or chat at Ask Us!
The library can help you get books and articles even if we don't have them here already!
The process usually takes from 5 - 10 days for print materials, and 1-2 business days for electronic articles. It is free unless the lender charges.
TexShare is a program of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in partnership with academic and public libraries in Texas.
A TexShare card can be used at participating libraries to check out materials for research and study needs. Individual libraries set their own guidelines pertaining to how many items can be checked out and for how long.
Affiliated A&M-Texarkana library users can obtain a TexShare card at the Service Desk (phone 903-223-3100).
Please print and fill out the TexShare card application form and return it to the service desk or fax it to 903-334-6695.
TexShare cards may be obtained by filling out a form and returning it to the Third Floor Service Desk at the Library. A form can be found at
The library’s open computer lab contains 36 computers, a black-and-white printer, color printer, and 2 scanners. The computer lab operates according to library hours, but computers will begin the shutdown process 15 minutes before closing time. Remember to save your work before the computers shut down and retrieve your flash drive! University computers are reserved for school work related purposes. If the lab is at capacity and you are using a computer for personal rather than school use, you may be asked to log off so that another student may work. All students are required to comply with the university’s policy on proper use of computer resources.
Our Library Guides (or LibGuides) are pages that we have made specifically to help guide you in researching in specific subjects or classes.
Some helpful LibGuides include:
The library has some office and craft supplies, things normally used on a daily basis as well as those needed for last minute projects. Items include a paper cutter, hole punch, laminator, die cutter and limited dies, stapler, shredder, tape dispenser, scissors, white board kits for the study rooms, and student projects' kits that will help to enhance any class project.