MIT Open Courseware: Courseware
Freely available material from thousands of courses, covering the MIT curriculum.
Features full courses, activities, labs, assessments, games, assignments, lectures, and many more materials for a wide variety of disciplines.
Shareable course material for a variety of college classes available in a Google Drive library. Note: latest update is 2018.
Open Courseware, University of Massachusetts at Boston
Free courses for multiple disciplines
Course materials from multiple disciplines provided by the University of Michigan.
An array of liberal arts courses and material. Many include video. Note: latest upload is 2011.
Stanford Engineering Everywhere
Open courses in engineering, including a computer science course taken by most undergraduates.
Community of Online Research Assignments (CORA)
An open educational resource (OER) for librarians, faculty, and other educators. The site contains multiple, reliable and reproducible research assignments that do not live as isolated entities, but are enhanced by user feedback in order to build a rich corpus of best practices. Also offers a Teachers' Toolkit featuring a wide range of resource types including pedagogy/theory, assessment, classroom activities, technology tips, subject guides, citation tools, and information literacy tutorials.
Courses and materials are not free, but they provide interactive homework help, Canvas integration, and are low cost to students.