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A guide focused on resources for government research.

When should I use Worldcat Discovery?

Worldcat Discovery is the John F. Moss Library's online catalog. It's a great place to start your research. It will assist you in quickly locating relevant resources on your subject with having to decide which database(s) to search. You can save time and limit search results by date range, format, subject, full text, and scholarly designation such as peer-reviewed articles. 

You can also email yourself search results through the "Share" feature and cite a source directly from the results. 

When should I NOT use Worldcat Discovery?

For very specific research, it may be better to use a database. Databases for specific subject areas can provide a subject thesaurus or specialized limiters  For example, Business Source Complete, PsycINFO, and Medline have powerful features only available in their unique interfaces. 

Go directly to the Library's databases: A-Z Databases